of Love



The ocean waves
Slow motion days
Birds singing
Angelic sounds
fill the stillness

A harp playing
A flute saying
be still

A long breath
A deep rest
a palm tree

A cool breeze
A familiar peace

The tide quenching
A cloud shading
the sand

Waves crashing
Gulls laughing
The day fading

The Sun setting
The sea and horizon gleaming
The tide heading
for the shore

A walk in the sand
moon shining
A shell in my path
still moving

Ocean glistening
A bouy listening
A boat sailng
in the distance

My love waiting
baiting a hook
throwing a line
then saying
I love you


of Love

The Extraordinary

The Extraordinary

Some are blatantly, obviously extraordinary. Others never realize; realize that they are just as or more. A pity. What becomes of these extraordinary men (and women), their extraordinary lives and influence?

Over lifetimes of ordinary defeat and disappointment, they sometimes break or fade, not realizing that their defeats and lumbering are, in fact, the extraordinary and amongst their greatest assets.

Beauty evolving. Suddenly, becoming our strength! My wish is that you break, break and experience depths of extraordinary muster and courage within.

To all, we must show kindness, love, devotion, and care lest we be ordinary. We must glory in our extraordinary lineage, whose power is boundless and extraordinary beyond what we can now or ever comprehend.

You are, perhaps, the most extraordinary of all. Exalt in your being as you are a child and as a child, your potential is ever-evolving and has no bound.

Though you are old and have just discovered your purpose and power, God will give you time to recognize your influence and love; your ability to contribute greatly to his unfolding creation which, at the very least, is another of his children.


of Love

If I Could Write a Love Song

If I Could Write a Love Song

If I could only write a love song
I’d start with a starry night
I would write about the moon
and your face there in the light
I would write about your smile
the way you hold me oh so tight
all the little things you do
and the things you do just right

If I could write a love song
It would surely hit the charts
I’d tell you ’bout your beauty
all your grace and all your smarts
The way you bite your lip
when you think of something new
The way you hold my hand
and your eyes, so baby blue

If I could write a love song
I would sing it to the world
tell everyone I love you
and that your my only girl
I’ll never leave you lonely
I’ll never make you blue
You make me so darn happy
It’s the least that I can do

If I could write a love song
I’d whisper in your ear
all the nothings I could think of
and I’d make it very clear
You’re my one and only
I want you for all time
I might write it when I think of
all the words and all the rhymes.


of Love

Music Appreciation

Music Appreciation

my hands on your curves
your neck stretching to my lips
I suspire, softly blow
you quiver, your chamber fills
you softly sound
I press your keys
and the tone of your being
fills my head as you
caress my soul


of Love

The Love we Seek

The Love we Seek

They say fools rush in
where Angels fear to tread
Yet every song expresses love
a longing or a heartache
attempts to salvage anothers heart
or to love one who is just out of reach

Is love not real?
Is it a fairy tale?
Is it unattainable?
Or a gale force wind
that knocks you down,
picks you up, then
carries you on your way?

Love, joyous
and blues to depths which ruin
A foolish endeavor?
Only for those who are,
for the moment, incapable
but try anyway

Such a mystery
Such is our condition
A rendition repeated
over and over for some

An intricate weave
Threads of emotion
running through
the fabric of our lives
A tapestry of the heart
A yearning of mind, body
and our souls

Could it be that the love we seek
Is not the one for whom we reach
but the breath of life given us
at our start

A love we seek
that all along is with us
offering love without limits
for those who recognize
the gift and the offering
so that we can live, and love

Is it enough?
We must trust and give ourselves to him
to do with us what he will
and to represent him with our love
of others and to that special one
that only he can give

Love becomes, at last, no mystery.


of Love

It Doesn’t Matter

It Doesn’t Matter

I tried to write a love song
But now, it doesn’t matter
All the love you gave me
Today, is all but shattered

When love beckoned
I answered
We became like one
and the sun shined

For us there was no other
We danced all night
Slept all day
Felt the waves of passion

Under a starlit sky
In love
You and I
Sharing secrets

Our minds melded
But in time
Something more than I
Is what you needed

Just then, A lie
An unanswered sigh
A sad goodbye
Then, you turned to walk away

As I reached for you
You slowly faded out of sight
There I stood, helpless
As my heart flooded

My love song faded
Into the horizon
Where you turned
To look one more time

And now, it doesn’t matter


of Love

White Light

White Light

Out of nowhere
like a dream she came
to brighten my darkness
a white light in the distance
drawing nearer to me
as she approaches
I am nervous and coy
like a ship, she sets course for my heart

to rescue me from my loneliness
my isolation
my madness
to make sense of my world and my waiting
I have been waiting
to make sense of this wasted life
this unmanageable time spent lifting a weight
too heavy just for one

to replace the joy, I once knew
to awaken me gently
with her heart and soul
to caress my face
touch my shoulder
to let me know
I am loved and allow me to know peace
and to finally understand

she is a white light
she is a brightness
who leads the way to my destiny
some are not meant to live alone
some are not complete without
the love of their God-given companion
she will lift me to a higher place
where I can function and become a better man

I will know love
this wilted flower
will awaken and grow toward her light
the moisture of her kiss will revive me
a day in the sun will be mine
and the glory of God’s glow and warmth
will be ours tomorrow
and forever


of Love

Without a doubt

Without a doubt

Where does love go?
Why does it wane?
Why does it hurt so?

Like a candle burning, shimmering
our hearts were full and bright
Now snuffed out, just the darkness
and the light’s nowhere in sight

Forever is such a long time
Fires just burn-out
When we said I’ll always love you
it was said without a doubt

Now we’re both so lonesome
Was it worth it, all the pain,
to take the chance on love, well
nothing ventured, nothing gained

To have loved and lost
To have taken such a chance
To allow our hearts, now broken
for the chance at true romance

Was it worth it? There’s no doubt
As we go our separate ways
Was it worth it? There’s no doubt
and that’s all I have to say.


of Love

How do I decide?

How do I decide?

How do I decide
not to be bothered by the want
the need of another?
To live this life alone
To control my time and my desire
To liberate my being and transcend my loneliness
To be more near a power that guides and shows mercy

Or, to reenter the chaos of another
To thrust the whole aspect of my madness onto
an innocent being in hopes that my madness translates into their joy
To learn from one and that one from me
To join in a common enterprise and live fully as a part
or to live partly as a whole

To take the chance, again, of losing
losing at life and at love
This question, a matter of pride and of principle
will yield to my need and my imperfection
as I am one who depends on a love
a love of another to prop, suspend, and behold me
Shame be damned. I need to love and to be loved
even as a fool.


of Love

What is Love?

What is Love?

What is love? Is it a feeling? Is it appealing? A dealing? Is it an action? A satisfaction? Is it knowing? Trusting? Glowing? Is it blowing in the wind? Is it forever? Is it clever? A romantic endeavor? Is it elusive? Obtrusive? Is it caring? Or sharing? A little bit daring? Is it fleeting? Or needing? Or pleading? Does it need feeding? Does it lie, bleeding? Does it bend? Does it lend? Does it send? Or pretend? Does it lift? Perhaps, a gift? Does it shift? Or grift? Does it lose its power? Does it climb a tower? Is it only? Is it lonely? An awakening? Hearts breaking? Is it red? Simply said? A grand illusion? A ball of confusion? Or just a delusion? Is it amusing? A choosing? Two boozing? Roses? Touched noses? A box of chocolates? A ring? A song? Is it wrong? A so long? Or a friend? What is love?
